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Student Financial Services
Berg Hall
Great Basin College
Phone: 775.327.2095



Sustain Eligibility


  • 说明学位或证书的目标.
  • 保持要求的累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.0.
  • 选择与你的学位/证书目标相关的课程.
  • 满足课程学分完成要求. Only those courses applicable to the student’s degree or certificate objective will be funded with financial aid.


  • Millenium Scholarship eligibility requirements are separate from the the Satsifactory Progress Policy below. 欲了解更多信息,请点击这里.
  • 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载和外部奖学金有不同的平均绩点要求.

Satisfactory Progress Policy

The Great Basin College Student Financial Services is mandated by federal law to have a satisfactory progress policy. This policy must be applied to all recipients receiving federal or state aid as a determination of financial aid eligibility. 以保持作为经济援助接受者的资格, 学生必须满足以下条件:

  1. 定性部分(平均绩点)
    1. 学生必须保持累计平均绩点2.0(奖学金有不同的GPA要求).
  2. 定量成分(完成率)
    1. 学生必须在所有尝试的课程中获得至少67%的及格分数.
    2. Students must successfully complete 100% of the credits for which they received financial aid for the term.
    3. Courses dropped during the 100% refund period are not considered attempted courses. 补习学分和转学学分也包括在计算中. For purposes of these academic standards, letter grades are interpreted as follows:
      1.  A through D and P 成绩应视为已完成.
      2. F, W, I (incomplete), AD (audit), NR (not recorded), and U (不满意)成绩不视为完成.
      3. If a student has converted from credit to no-credit (audit) status after receiving federal financial aid, 学生可能被要求偿还全部或部分援助, 并/或受到警告或停职处分.
  3. Time Frame Component
    1. 此要求涉及尝试的最大学时数. Students may attempt no more than 150% of credit hours required for a degree or certificate program, 根据完成课程所需的实际学时:
      1. 证书课程= 56学分
      2. 副学士课程= 90学分
      3. 学士学位课程= 180学分
  4. Repeated Course Work
    1. A student may receive financial aid once for a repeated course that he/she has passed previously and wishes to retake to receive a better grade. 他/她可以获得不及格课程的资助,直到他/她获得及格成绩为止. However, be cautioned that any repeated course is also counted in the maximum of credits allowed to complete a degree.
  5. 未能遵守令人满意的进度组成部分可能会导致:
    1. Warning: 有下列情况之一的学生,将被列为本学期的经济资助“警告”:
      1. Completion percentage is between 50% and 99% of the classes for which they were funded for the semester.
      2. 累计完井率在67% ~ 69%之间.99%.
      3. Students who are on "Warning" and who improve their academic performance for their next term of enrollment will be placed back in good status for satisfactory progress. If a student has an incomplete grade removed from his/her record or a change of grade has been posted, call the Student Financial Services Office to review Satisfactory Academic Progress status.
    2. Probation: A student who has filed an appeal with the appeals committee and has been approved to receive financial aid for the following term will be placed on probation status.
    3. Suspension: Completion of less than 50% of the credits for which financial aid was received during the semester will result in immediate suspension of financial aid eligibility. Should a student be compelled to withdraw from all of the credits for which he/she was registered during the course of the semester, 在此之前,他/她必须通知学生金融服务办公室. Should the student fail to notify the Student Financial Services Office before withdrawing from their courses, 他/她可以放弃对其经济援助状况提出上诉的权利.
  6. 收到一学期的所有W或F成绩
    1. 如果学生一学期的成绩都是W或F, the Student Financial Services Office will complete a mandatory return of "unearned" funds calculation. The calculation is determined by the last date of academic participation and/or withdrawal date. 联邦公式是由美国政府提供的.S. Department of Education. A student may have to pay funds back to the Department of Education and/or Great Basin College that, according to the formula, were not earned. 一封信将寄给这个学生, 学生将有45个日历日从信件之日起偿还. This "Return to Title IV" process is a separate and distinct process and cannot be appealed.
  7. Mid-Semester Progress Report
    1. Students whose financial aid applications are not complete prior to mid-term of any semester during an academic year will be required to submit a Mid-Semester Progress Report with evidence of satisfactory performance prior to the disbursal of any loan funding.
    2. 如果学生没有达到令人满意的学业进步, 该学生仍有资格参加澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. 然而,学生必须在没有经济援助的情况下就读.

Financial Aid Appeal Procedures

A student may only appeal their financial aid status 3 times during their period of enrollment at Great Basin College.

Should a student be notified by the Student Financial Services Office that he/she has been placed on financial aid suspension, 他/她可提出上诉,提交以下材料:

  • 学业进展满意申诉表格(see Forms page)
    A detailed personal statement explaining the circumstances as to why the student failed to meet the Satisfactory Progress Policy and how to those circumstances have changed in order for them to correct academic standing.
  • Student "What If" Report (WHIF).
  • 证实第三方文件.

Generally, approved appeals can be categorized as emergencies or circumstances that are beyond the student’s control, for example:

  • 直系亲属死亡或患重病.
  • Prolonged hospitalization or confinement at home or reason that resulted in required extended absences from classes.
  • A one-time emergency situation that impacted your ability to continue your education or affected your academic success for a short, specified period.
  • 在这种情况下,你除了中断学业之外别无选择.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee’s decision will be conveyed to the student as well as the Student Financial Services Office. 财政援助委员会的决定是最终的,不能再上诉.

If your appeal is not approved, 要重新获得资格,学生必须, at their own expense, obtain a cumulative 2.0 GPA with same credit load or greater, as was taken and funded in the previous semester.

这些标准可能会根据联邦法律的变化而进行修改, state, or institutional policy.

For More Information Contact

Student Financial Services
Berg Hall
Great Basin College
Phone: 775.327.2095

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, “白银之州的金本位制”, 提供副学士和学士学位水平的学术教育, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,每年有来自全国各地的000名学生, 无论是在网上还是在我们的各个校园和中心, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,整个内华达州的面积达1000平方英里. 农村高等教育领跑者, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

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